Andrew Pergam

Director of Global Affairs, Facebook

Andrew Pergam is a Director in the Global Affairs group at Facebook. At the time of his interview, he was Vice President of News Operations and New Ventures at McClatchy. He is also former Senior Editor, Director of Video, at The Washington Post. He is co-founder of Spark Camp, a convener of leaders in media, technology and other fields.


For (McClatchy), it’s important that it be experimentation with purpose. That it’s not simply experimenting with augmented reality for the heck of it. It’s doing it because ... this is what this piece of the future looks like and here’s a revenue model around it and here’s how we start to sell those components to local advertisers.

I think there’s something about localization that changes the dynamic around what local news is. We used to throw a newspaper on the front doorstep and it covered the whole area. Now, you may actually be much more interested in the things that are happening more local than that, and we have to figure out what are the right ways to deliver that.